Wednesday, April 7, 2010

a day off with purpose

I spent the day cleaning and rearranging my bedroom, preparing for summer by organizing my summer shoes and putting all my boots away, replacing winter scarves with their lighter, brighter counterparts, and seeking organized chaos in the midst of my eccentric taste and my penchant for purses. :)

My purse collection (I just donated more than half when we moved in September...these are my FAVORITES) is the definition of the organized chaos I mentioned. But, I know where everything is!! :) You can see the "mess" as my husband calls it, to the left of the scarves.

My bedroom, which has been a work in progress since we moved into our new hometown apartment, is getting to a place I find really welcoming with just a touch of the exotic. Who doesn't want to feel like the breeze coming in isn't wafting off an ancient, far away (even if imaginary) sea??

The beautiful, light quilt was a find at a local antique shop and a gift from my mother. One of her best qualities is you-find-it-she-buys-it. You just have to be able to put in a 14 hour day as her shopping partner. :)

The pillow might be my favorite piece in the whole room. It is an Ebay find. Hand-beaded in India. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I make my hubby gently place it on the side table at night. He rolls his eyes and begrudgingly attempts to understand the underlying importance of a pillow. :)

Well, here she is...where we sleep. :)


  1. Love the breeze coming through the windows...
    What did you put in your new flower box?

  2. my HATS!! of all things!! :) i have a few non-winter hats and now they have a cool, retro home. :) i'm hoping it will remind me to wear them. :) blessings to you, too. <3
